Rationalize your costs on e-marketing

In difficult times, we very often have to cut our expenditures in order to invest money more reasonably and do not throw them down the drain. You can certainly rely on your experience and intuition but it very often turns out to be misleading. Of course intuition and knowledge is needed but there is nothing more practical than irrefutable data.

Have you ever wondered how much profit you make on single investment ? How many users try to contact you by certain kind of source? Or maybe you want to know which site causes the largest percentage of people who drop out of browsing your web page. You can easily acquire this knowledge by configurating your website with Google Analytics and we are to help you with the interpretation of graphs that are very important while applying the right solutions and setting concrete goals or objectives by your company.

To ensure your satisfation, we will provide you with free of charge analysis that includes tips for websites optimization and which also covers areas of information that might be improved in order to reach wide target group on the internet. Also, we will set up Google Analytics on your site allowing you to track indicators which shows profitability that individual users has brought you. Additionaly, you will be given our research with precise report on a weekly basis which is tailored to your needs.